When a well-meaning, sincere Christian tells you how blessed you are to be a child of God, that’s not always good news. Family relationships can be messy, destructive, and unpleasant. Some mothers are alcoholics. Some fathers are abusive. Some children are defiant. But God still uses the family to illustrate His relationship with us.
The apostle Paul told us that we become children of God by placing our faith in Jesus (Gal 3:26).
John, at the beginning of his gospel account, tells us that all who receive Jesus and believe in His name are given the right to be children of God (John 1:12).
Seems simple enough. But we’re left asking, “What does it mean to be a child of God?”
Jesus said when one sinner repents and is born again, receiving new life, the angels rejoice. There’s a heavenly celebration because a lost soul has become a child of God.
Remembering the Birth of My Children
Picture the moment and miracle of birth, the thrill and wonder of a brand-new life, the overwhelming love and joy. I remember the birth of each of my daughters.
My first-born is Alysa. During her delivery, in the early stages, the doctor feared she might develop Meconium Aspiration Syndrome. MAS happens when the baby has respiratory stress, or trouble breathing. I won’t go into further details and symptoms, but there was apprehension and uncertainty. A table was set up on one side of the room, with an array of instruments and gadgets, prepared for whatever emergency might arise.
The doctors and nurses tried to remain steady, calm, and sure, but the anxiety was intense, almost crushing. Each moment brought a mounting sense of urgency. Immediately, prior to delivery, the doctor began suctioning the baby’s nose. Then he sharply and gravely announced he was bringing the baby over to the emergency table and would knock down anyone who got in his way.
In one motion he swept her across. The nurses went to work with purpose. After several minutes, which at the time seemed much longer, a nurse came over and gently placed our baby in her mother’s arms.
I can still hear Alysa’s mom saying, “Hi, Alysa. Hey, how are you?” Then, as she hugged her lovingly, tenderly, gently: “I love you, Alysa.”
Alysa, her first day Kristen, little swaddler Baby Lauren
Kristen was breech. For weeks after she was born, she held her feet up at her ears, wanting to stay curled up instead of stretching and straightening her legs. Her delivery—by C-section—was smooth and uncomplicated, but her body temperature was too low. She had to be placed under a heat lamp.
She was there for fifty-seven minutes. And she didn’t like it one bit. Even now, seventeen years later, she doesn’t like to stay still for very long. Lying there under the heat lamp, she cried. And I mean she cried for the entire fifty-seven minutes. Non-stop. She left no doubt that she had perfect lungs and excellent vocal stamina.
I was helpless. I had to just stand there next to her as she lay on her side crying. I gently rubbed her leg and her arm and her tiny cheek. As I wiped her tears away, each one plunged into my heart and soul. I didn’t leave; I stayed right by her side until I was able to pick her up and hold her in my arms.
Lauren was a C-section delivery too. Again, no issues. She had a smooth entry into the world. In the delivery room, literally moments after her birth, one of the nurses motioned to me and said, “Come here and pick her up; hold her and carry her upstairs.”
“Who? Me?”
“Yes, you. She’s your daughter.”
I took her into my arms and carried her as the nurse led us toward the nursery. There was an emergency in the hospital with another birth so I ended up alone with Lauren for well over an hour—just the two of us. She took her first bottle. I called my mom, who was surprised to hear Lauren making quiet “baby sounds.” I cradled Lauren in my arms and savored every moment.
God’s Love for His Children
These special birth memories offer just a glimpse into a father’s heart, filled with love. God loves you and me the same way. He loves you so much He sent His only Son to die on a cross, while you were still a sinner, so you can have eternal life (Romans 5:8).
God has lavished great love on us. So great that we are called children of God.
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!
1 John 3:1
God loves you. He remembers when you were born—and when you were born again.
I believe the moment we are born again, the moment we trust in Him as our Savior, the moment, according to Romans 10:9, we declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in our heart God raised Him from the dead, God is right there drawing us near and holding us close.
He says, “Hi, Art.” He whispers, “Hi, Alysa. I love you”
Whoever you are, He calls your name. He loved you before you were born. He loved you before you were born again. His voice is gentle, tender, compassionate.
Listen in your heart as He says, “I love you.”
God Is Always with You
Are you struggling through life? Are you facing difficulties, desperation, despair? God is there with you. He sees every trial, every temptation, every tear. God is standing beside the grave as you say goodbye to your loved one. He’s listening as the doctor gives you a devastating report. God stays when your spouse walks out of your marriage. Whatever you’re going through at this very moment, God is with you.
You may not feel His arms around you. You may wonder if He cares. But He sees your tears. He understands your pain. He hurts when you hurt. He is beside you, holding you, loving you.
And then God brings you to Jesus, places you in His arms and says, “You hold him. Here, you take her.”
Jesus says, “Who … me?”
“Yes, she’s yours …. He’s yours.”
Jesus takes you in His arms and carries you upstairs. He’s carrying you right now. He told His Father in John 17 that He has protected you and kept you safe.
All who believe in His Name become children of God.
Jesus loves you. You are a child of God.
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Feature photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
2 replies on “What Does It Mean to Be a Child of God?”
A lovely intimate portrayal, Art. Glad you took the time to write it.
Thanks so much Charles. I always appreciate your thoughts and support.