Discovering the Bible

He’s Alive – I’ve Seen Him!

He’s alive. I’ve seen Him! Mary the mother of James, Salome, and Mary Magdalene arrived at the tomb early in the morning. The stone sealing the entrance had been rolled away. Inside they found an angel who declared, “Do not be afraid. Why do you look for the living among the dead? Jesus is not […]

Discovering the Bible

Faith That Brings An Umbrella

It had not rained for many months. The grass was burned and scorched. Leaves hung slack on the trees, drooping like listless flags in a still wind. Streams and creeks looked like muddy roadways littered with rocks and twigs. Our church had prayed Sunday after Sunday, meeting after meeting, asking God to open the skies […]

Discovering the Bible

Names of Jesus from A-Z

What has happened to our country and to our world? I don’t have the answer—I’m not even sure I know what the real question is. I’m not telling you Jesus is the answer. I’m not asking you to look toward God, or turn from something, or give up anything. You have to decide what’s good […]

Discovering the Bible

What Is Christmas Really About?

“It came without ribbons; it came without tags. It came without packages, boxes, or bags” The Grinch is bewildered. What was happening? He thought it was all about the scuttle and scurry of seeking the perfect gift. Don’t you find Christmas in a store? Isn’t Christmas just the gifts and candy and food and decorations? […]