About Me

Meet Art Stump

I have a confession to make: I’m shy. Not just timid. I’m talking hard-core, scared-to-death, frightened-trembling shy. If you’ve been around me much, or know me at all, you’re probably thinking, “No way. Him?” Yes, me. Actually, by definition, I’m a shy extrovert.

When I was in fourth grade, my teachers thought I had a learning disability. They moved me around from class to class to see what effect it would have. None really, but I do remember opening up to one of the teachers. I knew I was shy. I knew they were “testing” me, but there was nothing I could do about it. I was paralyzed with fear.

So how does a shy extrovert end up hosting a Bible quiz show, an internet TV talk show, and a podcast? I don’t know. I guess God has a sense of humor. He has a way of moving you from where you are to where He wants you to be, using your pain to carry out His mission. And now His mission for me is this blog.

Welcome to ArtSpeaking.com. I’ll try to be refreshing, unassuming, and genuine. Grab your favorite drink, sit back, relax, and listen to … read ArtSpeaking. No walls or limits. We’ll talk about life’s ups and downs, journeys, challenges, hopes, and dreams. You’ll hear stories from a life that’s probably like yours, see what I learned during a 30-year business career, and walk with me as we make new discoveries together.

Two friends put the idea of blogging into my head by publishing two of my articles on their websites. A reflection about the sudden loss of my wife can be found on wagingwisdom.com. And 5 things I’ve learned about leading meetings is on weswhite.net.

Another confession: I usually look like I have it all together. I appear calm, cool, in control. But the reality—the truth of the matter—is I get twisted into a thousand knots. I’ve learned to hide my feelings, to bury it all inside. I don’t have it all together—I just learned to make it look that way.

My blogs will shine through the lens of loss. In most cases, sudden loss. But listen: the reason I decided to start this site was not to unpack the loss. Let me share a few lines from my first blog post.

I launched this site as a community for those who sometimes forget who they are, sometimes forge the wrong path, sometimes forsake their dreams, sometimes find they need something more.

Here you’ll find no advice, no plan, no magic formula. Just tales from a life lived after loss. Trails leading to places good and bad. Tombs where all seems lost, but hope abounds. And triumph through a Savior who lives, and, in the end, will stand on the earth.

I grew up in church. Born and raised in Southwest Virginia, going to church on Sunday morning has been part of my life since I was six weeks old. Today I live in the panoramic mountains of East Tennessee. At home, I have two amazing teenage daughters, and living close by are my older daughter, son-in-law, and two granddaughters.

God has placed a brand-new love in my life. Click on this link to read our redeeming love story. God brought us together after seasons of loss and sorrow, restoring the years the locusts had eaten. She has two amazing children and a wonderful daughter-in-law. Our brood is a little spread out, but our bond is secured by love.

You can find Art playing piano and guitar in the praise band at Evergreen Church, and in the band for the Knoxville-based Philadelphians Prison Ministry. He’s the host of Pinecone Podcast, and can be seen hosting The Art of Conversation on internet IAMTV.

You never know what you’ll hear … read when you come to ArtSpeaking.com.

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I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.

Job 19:25