How often do you hear people say … “I want to be part of that company.” “There’s something special going on here.” “I stay here because they care about me.” “I found the place where I belong.” For over twenty years I was regional manager for a national outlet-store retail chain. My stores extended from […]
Author: Art
Art Stump draws from his life story when he talks about living life after loss. His wife’s sudden, unexpected death left him a widower with two teenage daughters. Then, his 30-year career ended abruptly when his company decided to shutter its doors. God gathered the broken pieces and handed them to Art as kindling to start a new fire: vibrant, inspired, and roaring with hope. You can find Art hosting Art of Conversation on internet IAMTV, playing piano and guitar for the Knoxville-based Philadelphians Prison Ministry, talking about life and relationships on Pinecone Podcast, and sharing his story online at

I put in 30 years working for the same company. Isn’t that a lifetime? Yes, it is. And I always heard the same reaction from people when they found out: “No way. That’s amazing. Really?” It was as predictable as tourists in Italy wanting pictures of themselves “holding up” the Tower of Pisa. They absolutely […]
Suddenly a Widower

I sat there shattered. The explosion inside my chest was silent, but it tore through my world with the same force, the same devastation, as a mighty lake, unleashed by a broken dam, rushing, slamming, and crashing its way through the valley below. Just like that—in an instant—I was a widower. A single dad raising […]